Ladies and gentlemen, the furry blue blur is back! Sonic the Hedgehog (Ben Schwartz) is back in the appropriately titled...
Thor: Ragnarok is an enjoyable but flawed romp into the trippier side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Beautiful painted Comic-con exclusive poster for Alan Taylor's Thor: The Dark World., starring Chris Hemsworth, Christopher Eccleston, and Natalie Portman.
Win one of three great prize packs from Jurassic World, with thanks to Universal Pictures Ireland. Out in Irish cinemas June 11th.
The Dark Tower is nothing special and is a poorly executed adaptation of what is a much-beloved book series.
3 posters for Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim, starring Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi.
CES trailer for Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim, starring Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi.
The Suicide Squad are back everybody. That’s right the supervillain team made to do the things superheroes are too good...
Another quality poster for Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim, starring Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi.
Cherno Alpha character art poster for Guillermo Del Toro's Pacific Rim, starring Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi.