#GalwayFilmFleadh: Marketplace applications for the 20th Film Fair now open

Applications are now being accepted for the Marketplace at the 2016 Galway Film Fair, taking place during the Galway Film Fleadh (7th – 9th July 2016).

The Marketplace at the Galway Film Fair co-ordinates pre-scheduled meetings between filmmakers with projects in development and/or completed films and invited Film Financiers, Distributors, Sales Agents, Broadcasters, Film Funds and Major Producers.

A pre-selected group of producers with feature film/documentary projects will have the opportunity to meet with representatives of these companies. A project book will be available for all decision makers and in case of completed films viewing facilities will be available.

The Galway Film Fair has a number of unique selling points:

  • Transatlantic Bridge
  • Intimate and informal atmosphere
  • Privileged access to the world’s leading financiers
  • Showcasing new European and International cinema to leading Film Buyers, Distributors and Festival Programmers.

If you have a completed film/documentary or a project in development and would like to participate in the Marketplace at the Galway Film Fair, download an application form and return it with a 100 word typed synopsis of your project. The deadlines for application are as follows:

Early Bird Application Deadline: Friday 6th May 2016 – Fee €175

Regular Application Deadline: Friday 27th May 2016 – Fee €225

Alongside the marketplace, many other industry events take place at the Galway Film Fair including conferences, seminars, masterclasses, debates, workshops and much more.

The Galway Film Fair takes place as part of the 2016 Galway Film Fleadh, from 5th – 10th July. The deadline for feature submissions for the Galway Film Fleadh is next Friday, 26th March.