The Wolfpack is a curious but worthy true tale of willing captivity, even if it does raise as many questions as it answers.
Try as it might to tell a compelling story, Fantastic Four is just too drab, dull and compromised to be of much interest.
Eden is an engaging portrait of the beautiful madness that is the pursuit of one's passion, set against an incredible musical backdrop.
Though finely made and acted, Theeb is a little too familiar to lodge in the memory.
Despite some safe Apatow trappings, Trainwreck proves a rib-tickling and insightful showcase for Amy Schumer.
With nothing to say about gamers or gaming, and precisely zero laughs, Pixels is a particularly pricey exemplar of what Adam Sandler does best (or worst).
Despite a likeable cast, Paper Towns is a pretty rote teen flick, full of wish fulfilment and cod philosophizing.