As story that could have been done so wrong, but is done just right by the fantastic Steve McQueen. Never goes over the top and is as close to perfection you’ll see all year. Go see it.
Mary Magdalene Scannain Review
Mary Magdalene is a refreshing perspective on a story that is quite effective. It is filled with beautiful imagery, powerful performances but they are sadly let down by a story that loses its focus in its third act.
Cruel, truthful and brilliant, 12 Years A Slave is a masterfully-handled true tale of slavery, hope and our capacity to endure and survive.
Dr. Strange
Stunning and visually dizzying Marvel's Doctor Strange is equal parts impressive and frustrating, a superhero franchise with potential, but unfulfilled.
Quite simply one of the most captivating, brutal and heart-breaking films you are likely to see this year, 12 Years a Slave is an absolute must.