Set in the far-flung future Dune is about an Empire filled with bizarre and intriguing characters. Where Great Houses vie...
Three Irish co-productions, Black 47, Muse, and Return to Montauk, will be supported from the latest round of Eurimages funding.
New trailer for Disney's live-action Cinderella, directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Lily James, Richard Madden, and Helena Bonham Carter.
New poster and trailer for Disney's live-action Cinderella, directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Lily James, Richard Madden, and Helena Bonham Carter.
Mamma Mia is an absolutely brilliant film filled with heart, great musical performances, and a surprisingly touching story
Principal photography has begun on Volker Schlondorff's Return to Montauk, which is an Irish co-production with a screenplay co-written by Colm Tóibín.
New Fairy Godmother poster for Disney's Cinderella, directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Lily James, Richard Madden, and Helena Bonham Carter.
Volker Schlöndorff's Irish co-production Return to Montauk will play in competition at the 67th Berlinale - Berlin International Film Festival.
New trailer for Disney's live-action Cinderella, directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Lily James, Richard Madden, and Helena Bonham Carter.
New Evil Stepmother poster for Disney's Cinderella, directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Lily James, Richard Madden, and Helena Bonham Carter.