The other big directing news of the day concerns the fourth outing in the Bourne franchise, The Bourne Legacy. Universal are very keen to get more of Bourne and so have turned to Michael Clayton director Tony Gilroy.
Paul Greengrass, director of the last two, has completely refused to return to the franchise believing that he ended it perfectly with The Bourne Ultimatum. Star Matt Damon too is on record as saying that he would only return if Greengrass was director.
So where does that leave the movie? Well Gilroy has good pedigree for Bourne having penned Ultimatum and been involved in the scripting of all 3 previous outings. He also did good work on Duplicity and Michael Clayton.
There’s certain to be less shaky-cam on this instalment, but honestly would a fourth Bourne even be worth watching if they can’t convince Damon to return?