Vertigo Releasing and Wildcard Distribution have announced the release of Joyride, directed by Emmy-winning documentary maker Emer Reynolds and starring...
Break Out Pictures has announced that they will release the hotly anticipated Phil Lynott: Songs For While I'm Away in Irish cinemas this Autumn.
Earlier this week the Kerry Film Festival presented the 2017 Maureen O’Hara Award to director Emer Reynolds, celebrating of her contribution to the industry.
Irish feature documentary The Farthest is set for a US theatrical release starting in New York and Los Angeles from August 11th.
Songs for While I'm Away is a feature film documentary about the legendary artist Phil Lynott. If you're a fan this is right up your alley.
Emer Reynold's documentary The Farthest won the Outstanding Science and Technology Documentary award at the 39th annual News & Documentary Emmy Awards.
Emer Reynold’s The Farthest, the story of NASA’s Voyager spacecrafts, opens in the US tomorrow and will open in the UK from September 1st.
Break Out Pictures has released the trailer and poster for Emer Reynold's new feature documentary Phil Lynott: Songs For While I'm Away.
Emer Reynolds' The Farthest honoured by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine with the 2018 Communication Award for Best Film/Radio/TV.
Scannain caught up with Irish director Emer Reynolds to talk about her sublime new documentary The Farthest, which opened at the weekend around the country.