Out this week in cinemas is Conclave. Starring Ralph Fiennes with an incredible ensemble cast surrounding him, this film follows...
Disney's Beauty and the Beast has smashed the Irish box office record for a three-day opening weekend, grossing €2.2m.
The Hunger Games saga gets an over-extended exit, with Jennifer Lawrence dragging this dour final installment over the line.
New trailer for Alan Rickman’s A Little Chaos, starring Kate Winslet, Matthias Schoenaerts, and Stanley Tucci. Playing at JDIFF in March and out April 17th.
Starring Anne Hathaway and Octavia Spencer with newcomer Jahzir Kadeem Bruno, The Witches is the 2020 adaptation of the much-beloved...
Beauty and the Beast is fun, the performances are commendable, and the songs will enthral young audiences, but the animated version is still superior.
A Little Chaos is so well pruned and trimmed that there's nothing to snag you or leave a mark. It's soufflé-light.
Final Portrait is a well-made film, which gives the audience a look into an aging artist’s life.
New poster for Alan Rickman’s A Little Chaos, starring Kate Winslet, Matthias Schoenaerts, and Stanley Tucci. Playing at JDIFF in March and out April 17th.