Paramount Pictures, via Moviefone, has released the first trailer for Ivan Reitman’s new comedy No Strings Attached. The film stars...
With characters and dialogue purpose-built for annoyance, Mistress America overreaches for laughs and just ends up outstaying its welcome, even at just 84 minutes.
With a limp script, uneven performances and an unsure narrative, 20th Century Women has a lot of problems, but it has some merit too.
Tomorrow sees the release of Ivan Reitman’s latest comedy No Strings Attached, featuring probable Oscar winner Natalie Portman…and Ashton Kutcher....
Saoirse Ronan signs on to star in Greta Gerwig's directorial debut Lady Bird.
With Lady Bird, Greta Gerwig and her cast have shone a spotlight on an important time in a persons life and created a timeless story.
Led by a never-better Portman, Jackie skillfully and wittily examines the weight of legacy and duty through the viewpoint of one remarkable woman.
Greta Gerwig’s adaption of Little Women respects Alcott’s novel but also challenges it through its structural reimagining and metatextuality. The resulting film confirms Gerwig as one of the most exciting directors working today while Ronan and Pugh deliver two of the year’s best performances.