Strange Darling is a horror thriller following the Lady (Willa Fitzgerald) and the Demon (Kyle Gallner). This is a story about a serial killer and their victim, told through six chapters in an out-of-order sequence.
I am rarely surprised by films anymore. After so many films when one surprises me, I am very happy. I thankfully went into Strange Darling blind and I was blown away. Which I recommend for anyone thinking of watching it to do also. My fianceé and I were lucky enough to see it early and when we sat down to watch it we were both deeply impressed. Following the “adventures” of these two individuals was a rollercoaster of emotions. By telling the story out of order my expectations were all over the place. Each chapter would put forth a new question, uprooting the previous chapter until it all came together in the final chapter.
Leading us along this wild hunt is a fantastic duo. Kyle Gallner is one of those actors that I have followed since he first appeared in Smallville as Bart Allen. Since then he has grown into an impressive actor who has found his niche in films like Scream 4 and Smile. In Strange Darling, he is an excellent foil for Willa Fitzgerald’s Lady. Willa is phenomenal as the Lady, a completely different performance from those in Reacher and The Fall of the House of Usher.
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Everything within this film is engaging. From the colour choices within each chapter, giving each chapter a distinct personality, to the sound choices. Everything is deliberate and well thought out. One particular choice I enjoyed was whenever the Demon would show up, there would be an ominous drum announcing his arrival. It was such an interesting choice.
Another point for Strange Darling is that is a tight narrative, coming in at just over an hour and a half the film moves at a brisk pace. I never felt at ease at any point in this film and the film didn’t allow it. It was a thrilling experience. This is all thanks to everybody being on top form. The characters are interesting, the plot is fascinating, and the score is thrilling.
With Willa Fitzgerald and Kyle Gallner leading the way, Strange Darling is a brilliant time at the cinema. Check it out when it is at a cinema near you. It is in Irish cinemas from the 20th of September.
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