Pretty Deadly Films is a PDF doc by Film In Dublin, distributed online. It is an e-zine that combines writing, art and more. Each issue looks through the lens of a particular theme, with contributors submitting various features on their favourite movies, the blockbusters, the cult hits, the films where the pretty and the deadly do things that are pretty deadly. On film. Each edition also features incredible artwork, and they’ve now compiled some of the art featured in the first two years of PDF into one feature length edition and it looks pretty amazing!

Featuring thirteen of the best artists in Ireland, Pretty Deadly Films – The Artbook 2020 – 2021 is 35 pages of art and movies coming together, and the results are pretty deadly. Featuring art by: Sarah Elliott , Simone Kett, Laura McNamee, Jess Dunne , Heather Brennan, Leeann Hamilton, Adeola Lawal , Amy Louise O’Callaghan, Amy Lauren McGrath, Panamoo, Brian Burke, Katelyn McKenna and Elly Makem
Saddle Stitched Book A5, 35 pages (incl. cover and back). All contributing artists maintain rights to submissions published in issues of Pretty Deadly Films. The work featured in this artbook appears with the permission of the original artists.
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€10, available online NOW Vendor information available soon.

Dublin is a concentrated hub of passionate film fans, there’s always so much going on in the fair city of cinema that it can be difficult to keep track of it all. Launched in 2016, Film In Dublin was created to bridge that gap keeping film fans in the know about everything our home county has to offer, without forgetting about the rest of the cinematic world.
The site features reviews, news, trailer reactions and longer features, with a specific focus on the latest goings on in Dublin’s vibrant cinema scene, including premieres, festivals and themed events. From the city to the suburbs and whether you’re a bona fide cinephile or a more casual viewer, Film In Dublin has something for you.